Career Change Resource: NetTemps

Here is a site that I have been subscribed to for years: NetTemps. Online you will find resume and job search guidelines covering all angles.  You can sign up for a newsletter and get tips sent right to your Inbox. Remember, even if you already have a job, it is smart to keep your resume […]

AMPLIFY: WBW’s Word of the Day

Today’s word is: amplify According to our friends over at Merriam-Webster, amplify can mean to expand one’s remarks or ideas (see more definitions of amplify). Here’s an example of the word being used in context: Thanks to your generous donation, our organization was able to amplify lessons from the program to benefit the wider community. […]

Writing Tip #3: Turn off the computer. Walk away from the desk.

Turn off the computer and walk away from your desk.  A tip that sounds so easy to apply, but can seem counterintuitive when you are under pressure or under deadline.  All the slackers in the world may read this as an invitation to procrastinate. However, the idea here is to apply writing solutions in ways […]


Writing Tip #3: Turn off the computer. Walk away from the desk.

Turn off the computer and walk away from your desk.  A tip that sounds so easy to apply, but can seem counterintuitive when you are under pressure or under deadline.  All the slackers in the world may read this as an invitation to procrastinate. However, the idea here is to apply writing solutions in ways […]

AMPLIFY: WBW’s Word of the Day

Today’s word is: amplify According to our friends over at Merriam-Webster, amplify can mean to expand one’s remarks or ideas (see more definitions of amplify). Here’s an example of the word being used in context: Thanks to your generous donation, our organization was able to amplify lessons from the program to benefit the wider community. […]

Career Change Resource: NetTemps

Here is a site that I have been subscribed to for years: NetTemps. Online you will find resume and job search guidelines covering all angles.  You can sign up for a newsletter and get tips sent right to your Inbox. Remember, even if you already have a job, it is smart to keep your resume […]

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